Monday, March 02, 2009

Tussey Memorial Ride

This past Sunday in the Shed, a bunch of clowns and I (head clown pictured here in purple) gathered to honor the passing of my beautiful labrabor retriever,Tussey Rally Russ.We were met with cold temps and 1" of snow at the Sand Flats lot. There were ten of us in attendance and we proceeded to hit Blue, Cutoff, Iceberg, F2, ????, Pit Trail, Supersweet, Trail of Tears, Salamander, and some fire road back to the lot.

We rode, had some Ten-Fidy at Tussey's gravesite, rode a bunch more, had some brews in parking lot afterwards, ate at Brewers Alley (smoked porter),and went to the Mark home to top it all off with some Voodoo stouts, espresso, and family - a very nice day.

There are pics and video available on Flickr - if you know the right people.